Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas:

English: Tue-Friday, 8:00 am

Español: Martes-Viernes Visperas 6:00 pm, Misa 6:10 pm

Saturday/Sábado: 5:00 pm-English, 6:30 pm-Español, 7:30 pm Neocatechumenal Mass (In parish hall)-English

Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 am- Español, 9:30 am-English , 11:00 am-Español, 12:30 pm-Español

Confession/Confesiones: Wednesday/Miercoles 5:00-5:45 pm, Friday/Viernes 4:00-5:45 pm or by appointment o por cita

Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración Eucarística: Thursday/Jueves 8:30-am-6:00 pm

Nuestro nuevo horario de misas: sábado, 5:00 pm-inglés, 6:30 pm-español. Domingo 8:00 am-español, 9:30 am-inglés, 11:00 am-español, 12:30 pm-español. La diócesis ya no televisará la misa en español de las 11:00 am los domingos por la mañana.

Our new Mass schedule: Saturday, 5:00 pm-English, 6:30 pm-Spanish. Sunday 8:00 am-Spanish, 9:30 am-English, 11:00 am-Spanish, 12:30 pm-Spanish. The diocese will no longer be televising the 11:00 am Spanish Mass on Sunday mornings.

We, the Catholic Community of Our Lady of Health being of diverse cultures, celebrate, and proclaim Jesus as our teacher and Savior. 

We offer our community His message evangelizing through Liturgy, a  Sacramental Life, Education,and Social Justice.

We have a welcoming and spiritual environment for everyone. We count on God's help and guidance by sharing His gift of faith, meanwhile we commit ourselves to be Christ to one another.

La Comunidad Católica de Nuestra Señora de la Salud, compuesta de culturas diversas, celebra y proclama a Jesús como nuestro maestro y Salvador.  

Ofrecemos a nuestra comunidad una vida sacramental para poder evangelizar a través de la Liturgia, Adoración, Educación y Justicia Social.

Ofrecemos un ambiente acogedor y espiritual para todos. Contamos con la ayuda y dirección de Dios al compartir Su Regalo de Fé mientras nos comprometemos a ser Cristo los unos para los otros.


Presione aquí para leer los anuncios en Español

Bulletin Sponsors Wanted

JS Paluch, the printing company who was printing our bulletin, has closed.

We checked with other companies but the cost is quite high and so we have decided to print our own bulletins. This is why we are asking for your support by advertising your business or a spot in remembrance of a loved one in the back of the bulletin. With your support, you will be helping us with the cost of printing our bulletin.

Please contact Carmen in the office at 575-526-9545 

Thank you and may God bless you!

Register With Our Parish

Have you been attending our parish for a while? If so please stop by the office and register with us.